Get in touch to book your acupuncture treatment at the Sports Pain and Injury Clinic at Rejuvenate Fitness, Englishcombe Lane in Bath.

Initial Acupuncture Consultation

A comprehensive consultation to assess the pain or injury and initial treatment.

1 hr - £80

Follow Up Acupuncture Treatment

Following initial consultation and diagnosis, treatment may include a combination of acupuncture, electroacupuncture, cupping or guasha therapy, balms and plasters.

40 mins - £50

Cupping Therapy

The use of heated or suction cups to stimulate circulation, release deep-seated tension, and promote muscle relaxation.

30 mins - £40

Guasha Therapy

The use of a smooth-edged tool to stimulate circulation, reduce inflammation, and release muscle tension, promoting faster recovery from sports injuries and pain.

30 mins - £40

Complete the form below, giving a description of your pain or injury, and preferred date and time of day.

For treatment other than pain and sports injuries, book The Bath Practice HERE